Learn how to view, add, edit and sync events in the online calendar. View court notice generated bankruptcy events and create your own custom events.

Print a customized client list report using filters including case status, debtor type, chapter, lead source, etc. Export a .csv file that can be opened and modified in MS Excel or another spreadsheet program.

Learn how to enter billing details such as rate, payments and expenses. Export or print a billing summary and track referral and lead source.

Learn how to enter notes and communication activity records for a client.

Learn how to track client documents and print a checklist. Use the standard list included with Best Case or create your own custom checklists.

Learn how to access court emails, documents and events from Best Case Bankruptcy or on-the-go via BestCase.com using the integrated court notice feature.

Learn how to generate and add an access code to link the Best Case desktop program to the online court notice and calendar feature.

Recorded May 5, 2017 at the NACBA Annual Convention

Debunked: the Dischargeability of Student Loans

Not all student loan debt is created equal. Enhance your practice by assisting new and past clients with student loan debt. Explore recent case law that challenges this well-known myth and common scenarios that you will encounter. Learn how to simplify the process with a new tool in Best Case® Bankruptcy which can help identify next steps using built-in tools and documents. Plus, review the Jurisdictional Scorecard™ to learn the likelihood of discharging student loan debt in your area.

Presented by Austin Smith, J.D. and Bethany Lape

Watch the video series by Austin Smith – A case study in discharging student loans

Keep track of important court dates and events from Best Case in your existing Outlook, Google or other internet compatible calendar.

Easily evaluate your client’s student debt, determine the best relief options and prepare the necessary options to file an adversary proceeding.