Recorded March 18, 2021

Mortgage Modification within the Bankruptcy Court System
Stretto’s loan solution allows Chapter 7 and 13 Attorneys to offer mortgage modification services to their clients in select jurisdictions. This informative session will provide valuable details on the approved court programs, document preparation and submission process, and review how applications can easily be tracked and managed.

Recorded March 4, 2021

Law Firm Policies and Procedures
Law firms are successful at growing their business by implementing streamlined processes to effectively deliver high-quality work to their clients. This discussion addresses the importance of standardizing procedures so attorneys can best adapt to changing market conditions that impact operations.

Recorded July 13, 2021

How to Market and Deliver Mortgage Modification Services to Bankruptcy Clients
As the national mortgage moratorium instituted during the pandemic has once again been extended, law firms have an opportunity to provide relief to overwhelmed homeowners. In this session, attendees will glean insight into marketing and delivering mortgage modification services to clients while maintaining compliance with bar association rules of advertising and following court-approved mortgage modification program guidelines in their local jurisdiction.

Key takeaways:
– Discover how to market mortgage modification to attract new debtors and reconnect with previous clients to generate referrals
– Understand the process for filing a mortgage modification in accordance with your local bankruptcy court’s approved program
– Learn how to train staff on identifying opportunities to assist clients in default or facing foreclosure

Download webinar materials:
– Presentation PDF
– Marketing campaign template

Access DMM resources:
– Create a DMM account
– Mortgage modification fees
– List of approved program districts, rules and procedures

Recorded September 22, 2021

How to Build a Student Loan Management Offering
Student loan debt continues to make national headlines with a reform bill under consideration. However, there are student loan repayment solutions available to consumers now. This session will provide an overview of the nine federally-approved student loan programs and qualification factors.

Learn why leading bankruptcy firms are implementing student loan management service offerings and how to identify clients with an immediate need. The session will explain the difference between legal service delivery for clients inside an active bankruptcy and those who may not require filing.

Key takeaways:
• Understand federal student loan programs available to consumers
• View a demonstration of generating a qualification report and completing an application
• Leverage a recommended fee schedule and marketing materials

Download webinar materials:
– Presentation PDF
– Marketing resources and campaign template

Access DMM resources:
– Create a DMM account